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Project: “the silence of nature”

Show more: nature as an experience, in the visible or beyond the visible.

“The pieces from 1996 collectively reconstruct new devices, thus from a cut branch rise series of horns, parasitic mushrooms or buds on the verge of giving birth to shoots, offspring.
The technique of grafting or cutting stems from the arboriculture, a culture of life. The woodbecomes a reservoir of energy, which seeps a bronze sap. As the means of sculpture are diversifying and by directly using the properties of traditional materials we can see the transformation process of the natural world. Such as straightening a block, rolling up the earth, pouring  the metal...”
“The emphasis of the molding processes permits us to understand how an intermediate phase absent from visibility establishes a both negative and positive movement, like a double mutation. The resulting parts can either be compared to the original element, or compared to each other through repetition and tiny variations: their existence is dependent on a passage in which the creator leaves his mark as
a default...”
Fragment of the text “ Transient forms” by Anne Kerdraon, catalog “Debesh Goswami” exhibition from November 2 to 15, 1999, Paris, Confluences. June 1999

© 2022 by Debech Goswami

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